Friday, July 13, 2012

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

These Are a Few of

This is a fun “get-to-know-you” activity with various methods, but all the same result of increasing the valuable connection between advisor and advisee.

At open house advisors will meet most of their class, especially in 6th grade. You may choose to start this activity either at open house or on the first day of school.

When you meet your students you may pick one of the following variables;

·         Wear something that will share a part of you students would not know

o   Snow shoes

o   Gardening gloves

o   An apron

·         Bring in a brown paper bag with some small things that share a part of you

o   Knitting needles

o   High school sports award

o   Picture of your family

o   Favorite paperback novel

·         A list of favorite websites, games or apps

Then let students ask questions about the objects you brought in to get to know you. Questions could be “have your snow shoes every climbed a mountain?” “Do your gardening gloves garden mainly fruits or vegetables?” These questions are a fun and different way to bond advisors to advisees.

As an extension to this day you can pass out paper bags or ask students to bring in an article of clothing that we all can ask questions about to better get to know them.  

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