Friday, October 10, 2014

Ripple Effect

Advisory Bulletin
October 13, 2014 - October 17, 2014
The Ripple Effect
This week’s theme relates to cause and effect.  We need middle-schoolers to understand that they are all powerful agents of change.  Each person can change a room full of people (or a nation full of people) (or a world for of people) for the better or for the worse.
Monday, October 13 --   Monday Morning Meeting

Tuesday, October 14

a.m. – True or False:  “What we do now, echoes in eternity” – Marcus Aurelius    This might have been said before a battle (as seen in Gladiator) but is this      true for us too?  Who says yes?  Who says no?  Debate.

            What if we change it to:  “What we do now, echoes throughout the middle    school.”  Now true? false?

p.m. – Derek Jeter Nike commercial – “tipping the hat”

            Discussion Questions:
»        What does the hat tip symbolize here?
»        Anyone know the history between the Sox and the Yankees?
»        What’s it mean that even Red Sox tip their hats?
»        What is Nike saying by using the Re2pect theme for Jeter?
»        Let’s watch it one more time.  Someone count how many ethnicities are represented in this video? how many socioeconomic examples do we see (another counter)? how many teams?  speak to what this indicates.  What idea is Nike presenting?  Who has thoughts?

            It is the hope that students will give thought to the idea that certain             principles cut across race/gender/socioeconomic/ethnic/regional lines.         Respect is one of those.   Do you have any personal examples of times    when you were with groups of people very different than your norm?           What principles helped you succeed or fail?

»        Is Nike saying that all these people re2pect Jeter or are they saying that Jeter represents re2spect?  (both)  (Jeter earned respect by being consistently respectful)

            6th and 7th grade game – Off Balance (Playmeo)
Invite everyone to find a partner, let’s say, is as tall as they are. To begin, as each person to stand facing their partner and firmly grasp their hands or wrists, or whatever point is most comfortable.

Explain that you want them to invent as many crazy, off- balance positions as they can think of in which each person is leaning backwards or forwards to the point that, if it weren’t for his or her partner, they would fall in a heap on the ground.

Make a few comments about not placing too much strain or pressure on their partners, and keeping a safe distance from other couples and certain eye-gouging protrusions. Then- and this is always the hard part- stand back, and leave the rest up to your group’s imagination.

After a few minutes, invite a couple of pairs to share their favorite creations, encouraging the rest of the group to try them out. Move on, or swap partners to invent more.

Concepts to be gained from this game
-         One person can make a whole room off balanced or other individuals off balanced
-         One person can be all the support everyone needs and provide stability
-         Working together bring balance to a group

            8th grade game – Suspend Marshmallows

Set Up

Gather the materials listed below and place them in a box. Provide an area in which team can work. Read the list of construction materials and the team instructions out loud to the team.
Construction Materials' length of string
1 bag of large marshmallows
10 rubber bands
5 straws
10 toothpicks

Team Instructions
You have two minutes to devise a method to hold as many marshmallows as possible above ground level. Team members may not be in direct contact with any of the marshmallows during the final scoring process.

Have fun!


Wednesday, October 15

Materials Needed-
Food coloring
White paper towel or tissues or toilet paper

What are you adding or deducting? 
Each person’s action either adds to the group or take away from the group.
If everyone’s efforts and behavior are working toward one common goal with the same energy and spirit then the goal will be met quicker and more efficiently ( ie the their cup fills with a combination of all the full cups. If someone is draining with off task comments, behavior or actions it can make the process slow or even stall out. It is a choice to add beauty or ugliness with your contribution. The outcome can be harmonious or tragic and ugly. The choice is yours.

Thursday, October 16
a.m. -            Look at the cup experiments. Ask them to think about what they have contributed. How colorful is their day shaping up? Tie it into the citizen stuff.
p.m. -            Peer Study Hall

Friday, October 17 – 7:45-9:30
No Flag Ceremony

This is a time to catch up on whatever you did not finish this week and then…

To play board games with your Advisory group/grade.  Determine ahead of time which room will be the drop-in room for when Advisories are done with their weeks work and can play (EF lesson here: work before play!!)

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