Monday, September 29, 2014


Advisory Bulletin
September 29,2014 - October 3, 2014
Monday 9.29.14 -           a.m.- Monday Morning Meeting
                                                p.m. - Describe Flex block options and then fill                                                                     out Flex Block Request Forms
Tuesday 9.30.14
            a.m. – How do you define citizenship?  

            definition: "one who belongs to a certain group, state or nation; who    owes allegiance and is entitled to protection and rights"

            what are you a citizen of??          your family
                                                                                                                                             your House
                                                                        The middle school         
                                                                        sports teams
                                                                        Collier County


            Nationally, we have this concept of "dual citizenship" but in truth, we are all multiple citizenships. We have many allegiances.

            What if we had to apply for citizenship as Americans and then   take an exam?

            Watch this video with your class. Try pausing it after each question is asked and see how many students can answer the questions. Could       we all pass the test to be American citizens??

p.m. -        Continue discussion on citizenship – a different type:
                    Families DO apply for citizenship to Seacrest. 
                    What are the guidelines and values that we commit to                                           when we accept Seacrest citizenship?  We have all been                                        accepted to Seacrest. It’s OUR middle school we should                                      know what we stand for.
Take time to discuss what we value at Seacrest and what we expect       citizens of our community to respect and exhibit. List three things            your advisory comes up with below

 What if we had to apply for citizenship for our Houses?  What   would            the questions on our test look like? Many questions on the test to       become a US citizen revolve around our country’s history and our             country’s laws… our Houses are in their first year. We do not have a             huge amount of history…YET. But we should start thinking about         house laws. List three things your advisory comes up with for laws below.

We all have automatic acceptance to our Houses and we need to            show our commitment and loyalty to our house. We pledge our          allegiance to our flag and country every Friday during Flag    ceremony. Have a discussion with your house about the words that       we say and what they mean.
Think about what it would be like to pledge to our Houses? What                      points does our advisory think are must haves in our House Pledge?            Take time to discuss and write out points that your advisory thinks             should be included in their House Pledge and list them below.

Wednesday 10.01.14- discussing community service projects 
a.m. - Think about our Middle School & our houses. What we do has an effect on other people. It is time for our houses to start making a    difference at Seacrest.
We came up with a few ideas for community service projects around    our campus for our houses to do. Please review them with your    group now. Continue to brainstorm new ideas if necessary.  List top             three ideas below.  If your House is already in the planning phase,        list the next steps:


p.m.- Nominating House Reps
Each house will have:
One 8th grade House Captain- responsibilities include:
»        leading house meetings,
»        gathering information from SGA to report back to the house,
»        gathering information from house members to report to SGA,
»        voting during SGA meetings,
»        organizing house events,
»        leading house community service projects.

  One 7th gr House Rep & One 6th gr House Rep- responsibilities:
»        gathering information from SGA to report back to the house,
»        gathering information from house members to report to SGA,
»        voting during SGA meetings,
»        help in organizing house events  and house community service projects.

The house reps replace the class reps.
There are no longer class reps so therefore we need the house reps.
The student government does not have class reps they only have a          president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. Those four people         will work in unison with the three house captains, 6th and 7th grade            reps. There will be a total of 13 people working in SGA by the time we       have all the house reps added to the 4 SGA members. 

After describing the positions explain how to nominate a class member,      how to second someone’s nomination and how the nominee accepts     or declines the nomination.
We will do the voting during our House. Only allow each person to       nominate one person and second only one other person’s       nomination. Try to get them to be serious and think of someone that           would be a great representation of them personally.
Tell the nominees they will need to come up with a one to two     minute speech to practice tomorrow morning and give to the house        tomorrow afternoon describing why their house should vote for them         to be its representative.

Thursday 10.02.14
            a.m. - Nomination speech practice
            After taking attendance have each nominee give their speech just to      your advisory to practice how they will say it in front of the entire     house later.
            p.m.- Speeches
                        Speeches need to be given to the houses for each position

Friday 10.03.14 -           

            Vote on House Representatives during Advisory                                                       Breakfasts.

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