Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Week of :    December 3-7

Theme:  Self-Control


     Date                       News                         Greeting             Sharing                  Activity
Happy Monday!
This week is all about self-control!  Building strong EF skills requires it, so let’s get started…. Planners! Papers filed in binder folders! Goal Review – only 4 wks left in 2nd Quarter!
Cumulative List Greeting
No Loose Papers!
Goals Reviewed
Hello _______________!
For the rest of the week our shares, games and journaling will focus on developing self-control.  Indicate below how much self-control you think you have:
Nada        Moderate       Massive
Be Honest!  J
Greet & Meet Greeting
Think for a moment about what self-control means, beyond the obvious. 
Triple Whip Share: 1.  Your definition
2.  Your strengths
3.  Your challenges
All MS
Greet Three Greeting
In gym:
Crepe Paper Race
Bon Jour!
Self-Control involves stepping back some times; stepping forward at others: overriding your tendency to steal the scene or hide from the limelight, whatever your preference.
 Let’s see if you can!
Color-Coded Greeting
Counting Game
It’s Thursday, which means journaling.  Start thinking about what you know & have learned about the topic of self-control.  This journal entry, like all, is private and will not be shared with the class, so feel free to think freely!
Football Greeting
Journal Topic:
What is your biggest challenge when it comes to self-control?
Ola, Advisees…
How has your week gone in terms of self-control? Have you been organized? Disciplined in your studies? How about in your personal conduct?
Question Greeting
Lean To

Monday, December 3

News:    Happy Monday!  This week is all about self-control!  Building strong EF skills requires it, so let’s get started…. Planners! Papers filed in binder folders! Goal Review – only 4 wks left in 2nd Quarter!      


Greeting:      Cumulative List Greeting – The Cumulative Greeting we’ve done before (wherein each person greets everyone who has preceded her) but with the twist that a list is added, of responses to a question like:  what’s your favorite tv show right now? or what’s your favorite thing about the holidays? As the greeting accumulates, each new greeter repeats what those before her have answered.  Leader asks first but answers last, after greeting has made its way around the circle. [Because focus & listening are forms of self-control!!]


Activity:        EF Rituals...  Planners filled out for the week and checked over by advisor; goals reviewed with informal discussion; students guided to find any loose papers and properly sort them into the appropriate folders in their binders.


Tuesday, December 4, a.m.

News:    Hello _______________!

For the rest of the week our shares, games and journaling will focus on developing self-control.  Indicate below how much self-control you think you have:    Be Honest!  J


Nada        Moderate       Massive

Greeting:      Greet & Meet (combines with Share) Students stand, form groups of three, greet each other, then talk about the sharing topic provided by the leader.  To foster inclusion, group are encouraged to invite into their cluster those who are having difficulty finding a group of three, even if it means creating a foursome.  Once they have greeted, guide mini-groups to do a triple whip share with the following three questions:

Share:            Triple Whip Share (within threesomes)  Think for a moment what self-control means to you.“  Then on the first round of the whip share: your definition; on the second round, your strengths in this area (i.e., where do you demonstrate good self-control); and on the third round, where do you sometimes/always lack self-control? 

Advisors:  look for evidence of self -control or be willing to pause the action if you see an absence of such.

Activity:        n/a


Tuesday, p.m. – IN GYM

News:                         n/a

Greeting:      Greet Three (in gym, greeting outside of your grade)  Quickly greet three other students who are not in your grade and whom you do not know yet.  Introduce yourself properly.

Share:                        n/a

Activity:        Crepe Paper Race (facilitated by Ms. Palumbo)

1.  Divide students into groups of 3.  Each team receives a roll of crepe paper

2.  Mark boundary lines & have teams line up behind one of the boundaries.

3.  When leader says “Go!” two players on each team get down on their hands and knees, one behind the other.  The rear player places his or hands on the ankles of the front player.  The third team member is the connector, and connects the other two players by wrapping the wrist and ankle pairs together with the crepe paper.

4.  After players have been connected, they begin creep toward the opposite boundary.  If the crepe paper tears, the two crawlers must stop while the third player repairs the connection.

5.  Once the two crawlers reach the opposite boundary, they unwrap themselves and one switches places with the third player.  The next connector wraps up the crawlers, and they creep back across to the other side.

6.   When the crawlers have reached the original boundary, the players switch again so that each team member has wrapped the other two.  The first team to cross the boundary line after all three team members have been crawlers and connectors is the winner.


Wednesday, December 5

News:                    Bon Jour!  Self-Control involves stepping back some times; stepping forward at others: overriding your tendency to steal the scene or hide from the limelight, whatever your preference.   Let’s see if you can in today’s game.

Greeting:      Color Coded Greeting – The Basic Greeting (that goes around the circle) only each person has to find a color (of shirt, shorts, shoes, eyes, hair, nail polish, etc…) in common and cannot repeat.

Share:                        n/a

Activity:        Counting Game – This is a simple counting game where as a group, students try to count to the highest number possible without anyone speaking at the same time.  If two or more students say a number at the same time, then the group must begin again.  Advisors don’t give any more instructions than that.  Typically, the same students who like to dominate in class, like to call out more than their fair share of numbers (good discussion for self-control for those who like to be the “boss”).  It is also interesting to see who struggles to take the risk to say a number at all (sometimes it takes a lot of self-control to go out on a limb, if it’s against your nature to take risks).  Also interesting to see who expresses frustration, who resorts to put-downs, who offers encouragement or gets the group to develop a system that increases success!






Thursday, November 29

News:    It’s Thursday, which means journaling.  Start thinking about what you know & have learned about the topic of self-control.  This journal entry, like all, is private and will not be shared with the class, so feel free to think freely!

Greeting:             Football Greeting – There are four types of “scores” in football: touchdown = 6 points. field goal = 3; safety = 2; extra point = 1.  Students stand in a circle and select someone to begin.  If he chooses a touchdown, he greets the sixth person to his right; the greeted person and the greeter both sit down.  The next person to the right chooses a play (touchdown, safety, field goal or extra point) and play continues until everyone has been greeted.

Share:                        n/a

 Activity:        Journal Exercise – What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to self-control?  Personally or with other people? [Note: for many students, siblings present a great challenge!]


Friday, December 7

News:                    Ola, Advisees…How has your week gone in terms of self-control? Have you been organized? Disciplined in your studies? How about in your personal conduct?


Greeting:      Question Greeting – Students pair up; one student in each pair is choen to greeth the other first.  She says, “Good morning, __________________” and follows her lead with a question.  Leaders might brainstorm appropriate questions beforehand, if needed.  Now that we are nearly halfway through the year, this game is different than a “get-to-know-you” icebreaker.  Different types of questions are asked.

Share:                        n/a


Activity:        Lean Too Game – The motto of this mutually supportive game may be “Lean and Let Lean”

1.  Players stand in a circle, join hands, and count off alternately by ones and twos.

2.  Keeping backs and legs as straight as possible, players who are “ones” lean forward toward the middle of the circle while all the “twos” lean backward toward the outside.  Players counterbalance each other for support.

3.  Once the group has gotten its balance, slowly reverse leaners – the “ones” lean backward and the “twos” lean forward.  Have players see how smoothly they can alternate. 

4.  After players have leaned in and out, have everyone try stepping to the right or left moving around in a circle.  There are only winners n this turning circle of slanted players.


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