Tuesday, April 30, 2013




Monday - Executive Functioning... Each advisor will go through each binder and check for supplies needed.  A list will be written by each student in his or her planner.  End of year supplies needed:  pencils, erasers, highlighters, PAPER!!! and perhaps Post-It’s.

Tuesday - morning:  Who brought in their EF stuff???  high fives to those who took action!!  Follow up and check!!

Tuesday - afternoon:

a.)  If your group has a meaningful Mission Statement....

                Reviewing Mission Statements / Rules made at the beginning of the year and taking stock.

                How are we doing?

                Are we off track?

                                If so, where?


                Acknowledge that a lot has changed, that there have been a lot of interruptions and discuss.  Going with the flow is a big part of life.  We learn and we get off track.  We learn and we get off track.  But all the while we are learning.  

                A plane on its flight path is technically OFF TRACK MOST of the flight, yet almost all flights arrive at their destinations.  Off track is okay as long as you return.  Progress is a zig-zag affair!

                So what do we need to return to?  What are we doing well? Or what isn’t going well? What did we never even focus on?

b.) If your group needs to focus on HOW they are relating to one another.....

                How are we relating to one another these days?

                Is there a difference between how we related to each other in August vs. how we relate now?  For the better..... ?  For the worse....?

                If we think about communication and respect in terms of fouls (which pause the “game” of Advisory and interrupt flow and trust, if repeated), what fouls do we sometimes commit here?  

Examples of Communication Fouls:              

                                 closed body language -     arms crossed, body pointing away from speaker, lack of eye contact



                                side conversations


                                put-downs (can be verbal or non-verbal)

                                there are many more.....



Examples of Pro-Social Skills:

                                eye contact that is neither to avoidant nor too intense

                                staying quiet if not contributing

                                taking turns contributing - doing your share but not monopolizing

                                open, receptive body language

                                ACTING INTERESTED EVEN WHEN YOU’RE BORED!!

                                nodding your head to what someone is saying - show them that you’re                 listening

                                There are many more.....

Create a list that can be posted, that is BIG so you can refer to it effortlessly as you conduct your advisories and track the + / - each day.  

If your group isn’t safe sharing at this level, have them write the fouls that they observe on slips of paper; or have them work in small groups or dyads.

Wednesday:  THE JAR:  Introduce the jars and the marbles.  

As you see pro-social behaviors being exhibited, quietly put a marble in the jar.  

If there are egregious violations, take marbles out.  

But to get the behavioral mod system working (and to prevent self-sabotage), add more marbles (focus on the positive) than you take out (only remove for serious offenses).  

As students improve their behaviors, you can refine and enhance your expectations.  The ideal ratio to strive for is 5:1 (5 positives for every 1 negative).  

Also, be more consistent in the beginning, and as proficiency develops, become more random in your reinforcement (random, intermittent reinforcement is more powerful than consistent reinforcement once the behaviors are learned).

When the jar is filled... pizza? free dress? capture the flag in gym on Friday advisory?



A new process for Advisories:  Must-Do’s and May-Do’s

Future theme ideas:            Hobbies (something light and fun) 

                                                                Current Events 

                                                                Transition to High School (for 8th) 


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