Friday, July 13, 2012

What;s on Your Plate?

Ice breaker

Gather enough paper plates so you have one for each student and for yourself. Write on the underside of the plate a random phrase. For instance, you can use “I love eggplant for breakfast,” or “This summer I found a wild turkey in my backyard.”

Hand-out a plate to each student. Once everyone has committed their phrase to memory have everyone sit at the “dinner table.” Without showing anyone their plate, start a conversation. The topic is not important. Ideas could be, what their summers where like, how their vacation was, or a what they plan doing for winter break.

Every student needs to participate in the conversation, so, try to ask questions to get everyone talking. The idea of the game is say your secret phrase with confidence and not get “called out” by someone else. However, if another student does catch that you slipped in your secret phrase then you must turn your plate upside-down to reveal your phrase. You are not out of the conversation if you have been called out, but you cannot call out any other players.

You are the winner if you still have your plate right-side-up. There may be multiple winners in this game.

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