Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spirit Week



Week of :    December 10 - 14



     Date                    News                             Greeting             Sharing                 Activity


Character Day
Happy Spirit Week!
This week is the time to showcase the SPIRIT of our Middle School! It’s a week to show ‘em what we got – Let’s talk about what would make this week the best Spirit Week EVER.
Character Greeting
Begin with the end in mind:  Brainstorm about what a great Spirit Week would look like.
Color Day
Today we show our TRUE COLORS! 
So what does that expression mean??
This morning we will contemplate our own personal “true colors.” 
This afternoon:  our advisory’s true colors.
Share Greeting
Think, Ink, Pair, Share
“What are YOUR true colors?” Think about what this means to you and if you are showing your true colors, where, with whom…”
Peace Greeting
Spirit Stick
Good Day, Athletes!!
Vote for your favorite sport below:
Football      Basketball
   Baseball       Luge
Ball Toss
Informal Discussion
(see below)
We hope that you (and your entourages) enjoy a lovely, paparazzi-free day here at
Gift Greeting
Greetings, oh Great Ones!  Prepare for a challenge….
Snake Greeting
Superhero Maze

Monday, December 10 – Character Day

News:                    Happy Spirit Week!  This week is the time to showcase the SPIRIT of our Middle School! It’s a week to show ‘em what we got – Let’s talk about what would make this week the best Spirit Week EVER.

Greeting:      Character Greeting – Each person introduces himself in character by giving clues about who he is until someone guesses; if the character is obvious, the person can offer an admirable or notable quality about his chosen character. 

Activity:        Begin with the End in Mind (Planning & goal setting) – Lead a brainstorming discussion on what will make for a great Spirit Week.  Get specific.  Have someone record what the group offers.  Ask HOW participants will achieve these ideas.  Make it visual, observable behaviors, rather than feelings.  On Friday you can quickly check in to see if success was realized.

Tuesday, December 11 – Color Day

News:                    Today we show our TRUE COLORS!  So what does that expression mean??

This morning we will contemplate our own personal “true colors.”  This afternoon:  our advisory’s true colors.

            **Note to advisors – link the expression with adolescent identity development.  Help with a discussion about what this concept means and how each student is or is not showing his or her “true colors.”  (in the Share activity below)

Greeting:      Share/Pair Greeting – Each student greets one person by saying, “Good morning” & guessing each other’s favorite color.  [Two or three  guesses then the other person can reveal.]

Share:            Think, Ink, Pair, Share – Break group up into pairs (advisor leads this) then ask pairs to think for a few minutes, take notes or journal for a few minutes, then share about where their true colors emerge, with whom, when, etc….  What would they describe as their “true colors??”  Developmentally, this is more abstract.  It is possible that this will be harder for sixth graders than eighth.  Guide as needed and make it snappy so they don’t get bored!!

Activity:        n/a

Tuesday, p.m.

News:                         n/a

Greeting:      Peace Greeting – Say “hello” to someone you haven’t spoken with yet today by making eye contact and giving a peace sign or saying “peace.”

Share:                        n/a

Activity:               Make a sprit symbol that reflects your advisory's spirit. It can be in the form of a stick, shield, sign, banner, flag, crest, etc....  Make sure your spirit for your group is evident. Use whatever materials you have, find, or create. You will carry this with you to challenge day, so

don't make it too big. This can be a work in progress! You will be awarded tokens for challenge day for creativity!

Wednesday, December 12 – Sports Day

News:                         Good Day, Athletes!!

Greeting:      Ball Toss - a soft, indoor ball or equivalent (bean bag, stuffed animal, etc…) is tossed by a selected student, who greets another student and then tosses that student the ball (safely, on-target and underhanded toss).  The recipient tosses the object to another student and greets that student.  Play continues until everyone has been greeted (including the advisor).

Share:   Informal Discussion:

Tell us about who you are or what sport you represent.  What sport do you like best? Least? Are sports a part of who you are? Funniest sports stories….     

Activity:        n/a

Thursday, December 13 – Celebrity Day

News:                    Welcome to all CELEBRITIES!  We hope that you (and your entourages) enjoy a lovely, paparazzi-free day here at Seacrest.


Greeting:      Gift Greeting – Students greet a fellow celebrity and extend an imaginary gift to the person they greet.  The gift should match the likes of its celebrity recipient but remember to act bored and arrogant in keeping with your celebrity status.


Share:            n/a


Activity:        Journal Exercise – If you trade places with any celebrity for a day, who would it be? Why?  Describe a day in your life as that celebrity.  If time, share.

Friday, December 14 – Superhero Day

News:             Greetings oh Great Ones!  Prepare for Adventure!!

 Greeting:      Snake Greeting:  A student stands up, greets a neighbor, gets greeted in return, moves on to greet the next person, and so on.  As the leader moves on, the student she greeted stands and follows her, greeting the same people she greeted, in the same order.  A constantly growing “snake” of students forms behind her.  Once the leader has greeted everyone, she sits – she’s the first to return to her seat –and others follow in order, shrinking in size of the snake, until everyone has sat down.

Share:                        n/a

Activity:        Superhero Maze in the Preserve!

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