Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Learning Skills

Week of     September 17-21, 2012

Theme:  _____Learning Skills______


     Date                   News                             Greeting             Sharing               Activity


Greetings Smarties!  Check the subject you find the hardest intellectually
Whip Share:  What is your favorite subject & why?
Guess the Number
(p. 244)
Brain Devel-
Greetings Dear Geniuses!  Here’s a sketch of your brain showing the part that’s very active at your age, the AMYGDALA, & the part that is still developing, the pre-frontal cortex.  It’s the amygdala that excites you & urges you to look for adventures & take risks.  The pre-frontal cortex help you to stop & think & make good judgements.
Choice Greeting
(p. 219)
Individual Share:
Tell about a time when you did something impulsive & either were glad or regretted it later on.
No, no, no
(p. 250)
Time Mgmt
(Same as above)
0-10 How strong are your skills of procrastination.  Tell your worst story!
Planning Technique:  Chunk it Down
Bon Jour, Book People!  What genre of books do you like best? Write your name in a category below: 
Fiction    Historical Novel    Fantasy    Mystery    Biography   Poetry    Other
Book Character Greeting
Whip Share:  What is the book from which your character comes? OR: With what book do you most identify?
In the Manner of an Adverb
(p. 246)
Salutations, Scientists! Today we’re going to talk weather and practice OBSERVING.  How many letters of the alphabet are not present in this message? Write the number on thenumber line.
Question Greeting:  What’s your fav kind of weather?
Individual Share: Tell about an experience you had of wild weather.
Observation Olympics (p. 251)
Dear Diligent Students,
Homework & school go together like pb&j.  On the graph, write a payoff & a problem related to homework
High 5/ Low 5
(p. 221)
Whip Share:  What helps you get your homework done? What hinders you?
Homework Buddies
(p. 109)

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