Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Week of :    December 17-21

Theme:  Cooperation

     Date                    News                             Greeting             Sharing               Activity
Happy EF Monday, ___________!
This week’s theme is cooperation – a critical skill when it comes to working on any type of team…including ORGANIZATIONAL teams!
**Bring a joke for tomorrow**
Greet Three
Who or what is on your organizational team?
EF Rituals
What does “cooperation” mean, anyway??
Jot down some words on a piece of scrap paper before we share.
Knock Knock Greeting
Triple Whip Share:
Word Association for “cooperation”
Inside Outside Greeting
Dragon Tails
Whole MS
Even during casual conversation, cooperation is key.  List how on the whiteboard.  Best answer gets a candy cane!
Reach Out Greeting
Greetings Writers,
Grab your pens & journals and get ready to write.
Silent Greeting
Journal Topic:
(See Below)
Breakfast Friday!
Many thanks for the cooperative effort of creating breakfast together.
Happiest of Holidays to Everyone!
Inside Outside Greeting with parents

Monday, December 17

News:    Happy EF Monday, ___________!  This week’s theme is cooperation – a critical skill when it comes to working on any type of team…including ORGANIZATIONAL teams!   **Write it in your planner:  bring a knock-knock joke for tomorrow!

Greeting:      Greet Three (Monday & Friday) – Students make eye contact from across the circle, move and greet each other using a greeting of their choice, and repeat this process two more times.  All students are greeting simultaneously.  Model and practice how to do this gracefully (and WITH SELF-CONTROL) among several students.

Activity:        Quick talk: “Who or what is on your EF team?”  Possible answers:  parents (but to a lesser and lesser extent at this age…); iCal! phone apps (to-do lists); friends; iChat; Reminder apps; post-it notes; PLANNERS!!!; advisors; teachers; environment (clean binders, lockers, etc….)

                         EF Rituals...  Planners filled out for the week and checked over by advisor; goals reviewed with informal discussion; students guided to find any loose papers and properly sort them into the appropriate folders in their binders.

Tuesday, December 18 – a.m.

News:                         What in the world does “cooperation” mean, anyway??   Jot down some words on a piece of scrap paper before we share.

Greeting:      Knock, Knock Greeting – Students brainstorm knock-knock jokes (have joke books as resources).  Leader makes it clear that students need not worry about the quality of each joke, only that it be school-appropriate.  Students pair up to begin.  Partners greet one another, and tell each other a knock-knock joke.  Can also be done in a sequence around the circle.

Share:   Triple Whip Share:  Word association for “cooperation.”  No repeats allowed!  See how many rounds you can do.  Buzz out any irrelevant answers.
Activity:        n/a
Tuesday, December 18 -- p.m.

News:                         Okay, we’ve talked the (cooperation) talk; let’s see if you can walk the walk!

Greeting:      Inside-Outside Greeting – Form concentric circles, and as the inside circle rotates, members of the inside circle greet people in the outside circle with a handshake and “Good Morning.”  Many variations are possible:  high fives; high-fives alternating with low-fives; patterns can be devised and made into a game.  Let the designated leader call the scheme.

Share:                        n/a

Activity:        Dragon Tails game – in gym;

Wednesday, December 19

News:                         Even during SQ times, cooperation is key.  List how on the whiteboard.  Best answer gets a candy cane!

Greeting:             Reach Out Greeting - Students simultaneously greet one another, using this greeting as an opportunity to expand their social world a bit.  Leader chooses the degree to which the greeter “reaches out,” for example:

                Greet someone you haven’t talked to yet today.

                Greet someone of the opposite gender.

                Greet someone you haven’t greeted in several days.

                Greet a person with whom you share the least classes, or no classes.

Share:                        n/a

Activity:        SQ Time

Thursday, December 20

News:                    Greetings Writers,  Grab your pens & journals and get ready to write.

Greeting:      Silent Greeting - Students brainstorm silent greetings.  Remind students about this greeting and quickly recollect some of them, such as nodding, smiling, raising eyebrows, etc…  Have each student greet three students (or everyone) with a silent greeting.

Share:                        n/a


Activity:        Journal Exercise

Friday, December 21

News:               It’s Breakfast Day!  Happiest of Holidays to Everyone!

Greeting:      Inside-Outside (with parents involved)

Share:                        n/a

Activity:        Breakfast

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